Posts Tagged ‘Evolution’

IN the beginning, humans lived off the earth. Taking only what they needed from earth to survive and indeed they did good for themselves, because they did not expect anything more. They had basic needs to satisfy and that is it. Millions of years later, we are the same people. Yes we evolved into more intelligent beings, but the question is: Are we smarter?

Today technology owns the human race. If the power goes out, we are screwed. We can communicate until our, not-generating-power not-so-smart phone runs dead. We cannot send any mails or texts or calls. If the server at work is dead the whole company comes to a grinding halt. How is it that we have become so fast paced that we cannot keep up without that what we created?

It is because we got used to the easy way, and now we are addicted to it. Every 99.9% of humans have an addiction of some sort. Most smoke or go for a drink or pop a pill. Others hit the caffeine bar. Some bite nails, while others check facebook every 5 seconds, but bottom line is that almost every one you know is addicted to something physical or psychological. Then they call it a hobby or a necessity to their minds don’t feel too bad. We have become so addicted to the good life that we cannot live without it. If the day should come of a nationwide power blackout, like the one in south africa, fact is that after a week, the streets would look like a scene out of The Walking Dead. People would not know how to find food or build shelter or provide for their families. There would be no mcDonalds to go to.

As technology get smarter, we get dumber. Technology does all the work for us, but the thing we rely on is relying on us. Like the robot said in iRobot; Humans are killing themselves. We are way to addicted. I believed that humans a million year back had no addictions, that is why they survived. They only took what they needed. They invented objects to make their tasks easier, but still had the skills to go without it. Until evolution came and they developed tools to do the work for them, but now I’m repeating myself.

Bottom line is humans have too many addictions. Ways to deal with problems they created themselves. If you take only a knife and get dropped in a remote location, you will see how quick real problems arise.

Sometimes we all must take a pause for the cause and get back to nature and do a little survival trip and get perspective of life and how to spend the time given to us on Earth.

Time is the only matter in the universe that we cannot control, make, modify or give.

I know today there are thousands of different knifes available for us enthusiasts to chose from, but ever wondered where it all started? I have so I did some research on the evolution.

Basically it all started in the stone age where the Hominina people found out that a stone is harder then them, and if they hit something, it has an effect on the item. Almost like a scene out of Spore. But anyway, as they progress they eventually figured out that the sharper the point of the stone, the better the effects would be. So near the end of the stone age, they had pretty decent cutting tools they used for killing animals, cutting food and well… cutting each other.

Then at about 3700 BC copper was discovered. When mixed with tin, it created bronze. Then of course the bronze age started. Originally it was copper that first came to the scene, but due to its low melting point and softness, it was soon discovered that it had to be mixed with something else to create a harder substance. So with time they heated the bronze and figured how to wack it into a shape and the liquid would stay in that shape. Then cups and bowls and knifes and spears came into existence. This new found tools then helped them get more food more easily.

Then at around 3500 BC Iron was discovered by a process of heating and cooling. This process got rid of all the oxide, that cause brittleness, to create a stronger compound. After the iron was created, they found particles named carbon which they then added to the iron. This proved to make the iron significantly stronger and so steel was born. Then by this time, steel was largely kept a secret and only being distributed by one country to the rest of the world. Soon after that, steel was the most used material for everything they needed.

By this time it was around 600 to 500 BC. If we take a lead and look at the influence of technology, we can see a great improvement, as we can determine the exact quantities manufacturers put into the steel. But then we get to the famous Damascus Steel. This is a steel made in the Middle East and is renowned for being tough, resist shattering and even stories of cutting through the barrel of  gun. Even though some blades of today are stronger than Damascus steel, it is still one of the best after centuries. Research tells us about plants and leaves being added due to certain qualities in micro chemicals that is added in the smelting process.

Till this day researchers can not determine the exact mixture to duplicate an original Damascus  blade. Even though technology enables us to create titanium blades at a diamond finish, sharpened to a razors edge, there are still somethings kept secret. No doubt the evolution has evolved from stone to a possible adamantium blade(the material used for Wolferines’ claws).

There is no telling what the blades have in store for us in the next 10 years.

I hope you enjoyed this piece and that I peaked your curiosity.


Old and the New